The refuge is located in Western Polesie, which is in the eastern part of Poland. The area includes six parts of Bug river valley, between Sławatycze and Dubienka, along Polish-Ukrainian border. The refuge covers left-bank (Polish) part of the valley. The area protects the parts of valley of middle Bug, considered to be the most precious environmentally and particularly attractive in terms of landscape.
Bug river valley is one of very few valleys of big European rivers which remained unchanged and unmodified by human intervention. Its natural character can be seen in numerous meanders and oxbow lakes, as well as well-preserved habitats, typical for river valleys. In Bug river region, there are extensively exploited wide meadows, where one can find relatively small and sandy hills, with thermophilic grass. Lower parts of the area are covered by riparian forests, as well as willows and poplars. Six habitats, considered as precious on European scale were identified in the area, which covers 66% of the terrain. The biggest part is made of extensively exploited meadows (30%) and oxbow lakes (12%). The area is also home to many species of insects, amphibians and small mammals. Altogether, there are 26 species of animals considered important for preservation of natural heritage of Europe. The avifauna is particularly rich here, e.g. whiskered tern (Chlidonias hybrida), black tern (Chlidonias niger) or common tern (Sterna hirundo), which is considered particularly rare. The entire Bug valley is considered a wildlife corridor of European significance.
Drohiczyn Commune
Kraszewskiego Street 5
17-312 Drohiczyn
Rafał Siwek
tel. 789 382 469
Drogichin district
executive committee
Ul. Lenin str. 138
225612, Drogichin
Chervonohrad District Council
Shevchenko Avenue, 19
80100, Chervonohrad
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. It’s contents are the sole responsibility of Commune Drohiczyn and do not necessarily reflect the view of European Union.