Kayaking is possible along the entire length of the segment only during high water conditions. Requires prior experienceand the ability to overcome obstacles and readiness for frequent trips to the shore with portage. The mainobstacles are: beaver dams, fallen and low-hanging trees, the occurrence of islets and shallows. Near the village of Stryhanka and Horodyshche on the left bank of the water there are protruding piles.
The average depth of the river is 15–20 m. At 110 km, the river Rata flows into the Western Bug, and 3 km further the river Solokiya. There is a landing site on the right bank, 500 m below the dam on the reservoir of the Dobrotvirska power plant in the village of Staryi Dobrotvir. The end of the segment is in Chervonohrad, near the suspension bridge on the left bank (116 km). Access is possible from ul. V. Stusa.
• Memorial plaque on the site of the burnt village of Zavonye.
• Information and tourist centre “Hnizdo Yastrubychi”, at the Yastrubychi tourist resort.
• Volsvyn-Horodyshche. An ancient centre of transcription of books, known since the 12th century. Panoramas of active and reclaimed mines and terricons (rock dumps), the Orthodox Church of the Assumption.
• Mezhyrichchya. A working mine. The Roman Catholic Church founded by Jan Madejski.
• Chervonohrad. The Potocki Palace from the 17th century, the Monastery of St. Yuriy of the Basilian Fathers – with underground chambers, a library and a monument to Metropolitan Sheptytsky, a tulip tree, a museum of natural history, the Church of St. Vladimir, the Church of St. Josaphat with wall paintings, the Church of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary the Leader of Ukraine, the Museum of Taras Gorodetsky (chamber of Easter eggs), military mountain trainingarea, palace defensive walls (from the late 18th century), the Wiśniewski Chapel at the Old Cemetery (the last owners of Krystynopol, dating from the Iate 20th century), a roadside cross from the late 17th century, the Austrian General Geffele Bridge over the Bug River, the former Market Square.
• Hotel complex “Chateau”, ul. B. Khmelnitsky 27a, Chervonohrad, tel. +380 96 885 66 97
• Hotel-restaurant “Lysychka”, in Velykyi, Chervonohrad region, tel. +380 97 408 86 82
• Hotel “Komfort”, ul. V. Stusa 11-b, Chervonohrad, tel. +380 32 494 63 30
• Pizzeria “Chicago”, ul. B. Khmelnitsky 63V, Chervonohrad, tel. +380 73 737 44 00
• Cafe-Bar “Suzirya”, ul. Budivelna 7, Chervonohrad, tel. +380 32 494 71 40
• Dream Park Cafe, ul. Parkova 3A, Chervonohrad, tel. +380 93 857 59 99